No one’s ready for an emergency C-section, by their very nature they are of course, unexpected. But maybe some people read up on them a bit before having their baby just incase. I was not one of these people.
I have since learnt that they are no laughing matter – quite literally and although of course I am thankful they exist – if they didn’t Sylv may not be with us, they do’t half take their toll in the days and weeks afterwards.
The worst part for me was getting out of bed for the first time post op in the hospital. The request was to go to the toilet which was all of 5 foot away but they may as well have been asking me to step over hot coals and through a path of flames. That and the trapped wind from all the meds and laying still, which I thought was pain from the wound and continually requested more pain relief for. Suffice to say I now know that morphine does nothing for trapped wind 😂.
What does help with wind is peppermint tea which a lovely midwife suggested trying at the time. I would definitely stick some of that in your hospital bag wether you intend to go the cut and stitch route or not.
Sadly, when it comes to getting up for the first time I have no help to give other than the hope that you can prepare yourself somewhat knowing it will most likely be the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced. It was for me at least – you may be different – I hope you are.
I have no clue why but my whole lower body was effected when I finally stood up, which was by the evening and with ample support from Mr Potnoodle and the midwife. Until this point I hadn’t been able to really move the lower part of my body and shifting and turning hell, even getting myself more upright in the bed was an arduous, scary and painful task feeling like I might split open at any point – not that you ever would.
It did help actually, when I confessed to the midwife that I was too scared to laugh, cough or sneeze through fear of bursting stitches, that she told me she had never in all her time working there which was a good 20 years, not once had she heard of stitches splitting for any reason, let alone those ones. Though it’s still advised for you to hold your belly a little if you do cough etc – I think more for your own comfort than anything else.
But that first time I got up felt like my whole lower body was on fire and forcing myself to take steps was pretty much excruciating. The only good news is that once I had got to the bathroom and back moving in general felt a whole lot better.
Talking of the bathroom – take some suppositories into the hospital with you – I have NO idea why they don’t give them out as a matter of course. Use them the day after as believe me – you do not want to deal with a week long bought of constipation on top of everything else!
I slept downstairs for the first week with Sylv in the sitting room as I couldn’t face going up the stairs. It took me two weeks to take my first shower, partly because it was upstairs and partly because I was scared of getting the dressing wet which was totally silly as it’s totally waterproof.
Some people say they are busying around over-doing it after a c-section which of course you shouldn’t do but I genuinely don’t know how these people manage to be busy in the first place. I was too scared to stand up straight for about a month let alone do any ‘jobs’. BUT things do dramatically subside with each week so there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you really suffer on the recovery side of things.
Here’s my list of must haves for after a C-section
Glycerin Suppositories and probably some syrup of figs for good measure. And maybe some prunes…basically everything you can find to move things along a bit.
A nursing pillow incase your belly is sore or your baby is on the heavy side.
Arnica tablets to help with the bruising. Some people believe in these, some don’t but I think they helped.
Big pants! And high waisted comfy trousers. You don’t want anything digging into or touching that scar.
A pillow to put under the seatbelt in between it and your belly for the car ride home.
Mint Tea
A downstairs set up option just incase.
And finally if you feel a bit miserable and sore after don’t forget your positive frame of mind! You may be shattered and in a fair amount of pain (my scar felt like it was burning each time the meds wore off), it is major surgery after all so you need to treat it as such, but you have your little bundle of joy with you safe and sound and all you need to do is look after them and yourself as you heal. Better out than in, as the saying goes!!