August 10th House Party – Get Inspired

These days the traditional form of a House Party is over for me for so many reasons. I have a youngster for one – I’ve worked far too hard on her night-time routine to have it compromised by rowdy night-time guests. Secondly, I have become too house proud to deal with the stress that come with large numbers of people in your home somehow managing to make every floor sticky, slopping about red wine and cutting up lemons for G&Ts on porous surfaces – need I say more…Thirdly, Covid put a bit of a spanner in the works when it comes to mass gatherings and yes, I know we’re technically allowed now but in all honestly I still don’t think I’d feel too comfortable. So while I embrace this life milestone and accept I’ve moved on from Skins style-y raucous evenings in my home and focus more on child friendly BBQs and smaller, more intimate, no red wine allowed, evening gatherings, I thought I’d bring the house party online.

This is something new so bare with me! It’s an idea I had from the blogging community and I’ve found it a great way to discover new talent, inspiration and ideas. Nowadays I get my kicks not from ravaging my home with too many people and possibly too much booze but rather, from discovering those things when it comes to home renovations and Interiors.

This year I really want to focus on giving back and helping to share the great stuff people are doing in their homes and with their work and although I don’t have the following of some of the larger accounts I am happy to use what I do have to broaden other people’s platforms where I can. So this is one of the ways I plan to make that happen. These House Parties (traditionally known as Link Parties) will happen every other week here at Happy Matters and will always have an interiors/home renovation theme. I’m personally really excited to link up with new people and find some cool new ideas, projects and products from it all!

How It Works

You can add your own link or a link to someone else’s blog post or Instagram page that you find inspiring or motivational and that you think more people should know about/would enjoy. Anyone can add a link, so long as it falls under the umbrella of DIY Interiors/renovation or Inspiring Interiors/renovation.

If you have a great account or recent blog post you can use this as a way of getting the word out. I’m hoping some great ideas and inspiration will come along and this site can not only be somewhere to share my thoughts and musings but also be used as a platform where creatives and home enthusiasts can enlarge their audience.

If you know someone who would love this or that it would help please share or share a link to their page/content, I get great traffic and also will be sharing a select few on my stories and on the new Facebook Group once the House Party is over!

So let’s get this party started! The page will be open until 10pm tomorrow (11th August 2021).

NB: If you want to share an Insta account you will need to share a specific post.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


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