It’s a tricky world out there when you’re stuck mid renovation, ready for a change or you’ve spotted a property that maybe you just don’t quite have the vision to see past it’s current state. There’s a million things to consider, whether it’s a full renovation or just an interior re-fit and it’s certainly true that the more you consider every aspect the better the final outcome but it can be mind boggling. It’s also true that renovations and interior work can be a lonely place if you’re tackling things yourself. Your friends get bored of looking at the millionth tile sample and they don’t want to hear about the newest version of white you’ve fallen in love with, or your trip to the back and beyond to grab a beaten up chest of drawers you found on FB Market place – but I do.
I’ve created a group that I’m really excited about, Ain’t Nobody like a Homebody – you’ll find it over on Facebook and it’s for anyone and everyone looking for renovation and design advice, ideas and support.
Every day you’ll have the opportunity to check in, see where everyone else is at with their projects, gain inspiration, find a common ground with many in the same boat as you and most importantly put questions forward that Myself and the community will answer for you. And it’s all free of charge.
Get involved and become part of a lovely community of like minded design and renovation enthusiasts that are all too happy to look at and discuss the subtleties of 10 different whites or 5 different shades of wood stain or what to do when your builders aren’t playing ball. We’ll all be on hand to both celebrate the smallest of wins and commiserate any mistakes or miss-fortune that’s often encountered along the way to your ultimate goal – your dream space.
I’ve been where you are, I’ve done what you’re doing, I’ve measured a million times only to realise I forgot to measure the doorway something needs to get through and I’ve got a gold star in dusty T-shirt washing and wet wipes to prove it and I’m ready and waiting to give back..
For now we’re totally free join and it really is the more the merrier. So get on over and lets create a really cool space where us like minded home bodies can come together and help one another on all things renovation and interiors. I can’t wait to see you over there!