I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what I’m buying Sylv this Christmas. As she’ll only be 1 (how in the hell did that happen?!), I figure the main thing about Christmas this year for me, will be doing things she already enjoys with as many festive twists as possible! I don’t want to go too overboard as I plan to be as thoughtful as I can, though thought time is limited with a 1 yr old, about what I buy this year. I’m aiming to get things that last, make traditions that can be re-visited each year and make the day as much about ‘experience’ as presents.
Festive food, festive music, festive outings to see lights and Christmas trees, scrunching up wrapping paper and opening boxes will be high up on the list! But saying that, I will obviously be buying her some presents! So here’s my little list…
Sylvie loves anything musical so some form of instrument had to be on the list! I’m getting her this Tamborine from Zara. I know it’ll be a hit both to ‘do the shake test’ before she unwraps it and no doubt to drive us crazy with once it’s open.

Also on the sound front I’m getting her a noisy book as she loves her Gruffalo’s Child sound book. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt seems the perfect option and will be taking it’s rightful place under the tree.
I’m getting her a few Christmas books as I am really passionate about any and all literature but I want to be reading these in the run up to Christmas rather than the run down. So they won’t be presents, they’ll just be added to the book collection from dec the first! The plan is to bring them out each year. I might do a post on my Christmas lead up ideas and new traditions too if anyone’s interested?!
Sylv’s also loving the Tupperware and plastic containers in the kitchen drawers at the moment so, seeing as I could do with some more, I’m killing two birds with one stone and getting her some nice Emma Bridgewater pink heart Tupperware ( 😉 ) that she can play with until she gets bored, then they’ll be passed on to me!

Of course, she will also have her Sensory Stocking which I’m selling on Babe + Babble too. I figured she wouldn’t really know what to do with a load of bits and pieces in a stocking and there is no way I could come up with enough relevant little gifts that didn’t pose a chocking hazard. She does however, love plunging her hand into a box or bag to pull out whatever’s inside though so I thought, why not just put a load of lovely sensory items in a stocking for her to rummage through come Christmas morning! And so the sensory stocking was born. I’m filling it with things like Sisel Christmas trees, dried oranges and cinnamon, pine comes and more.
One plastic item will grace the Christmas scene, in the form of a little Santa wind up toy because I want to see what she’ll make of it and have a feeling it will delight.
I’m still on the hunt for a nice Xylophone as she loves her little mini one but it’s too small for her to really play ( I say play, I actually mean smash and bash). I also want to find a very basic wooden shape and hole game (I have no idea what they’re called) and a non-tacky Christmas music box. When I find what I’m looking for I’ll be updating this post!